It's never too early to start planning for the TES Classroom Christmas Party. Signup to help at: https://signup.com/go/tkfaZqD
![TES Christmas Party](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5279697/large_v-S-7R5dIBbBTnj9T_MkjA.jpeg)
High School Homecoming dress up days announced...October 2nd-6th
![HOCO dress up days](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5252358/large_uxqFLl3qOdrHQJJIrECdJw.png)
Attention Junior Class Parents...
![JR meeting](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5223204/large_FE9RGCVlehLMXSKyAZEmdQ.png)
Mid-Hi /High School food pantry is in need of hygiene products. If anyone would like to donate, please drop items off at the office. Thank you!
TES Drop-Off and Pick-Up reminders!
Parents please stay in your cars if you are in the drop off lines. These lanes should constantly be moving. If you need to park or get out of your vehicle please use the parking lot on the visitors side or the school parking lot. Also, the parking lot at the elementary is not a third lane so please refrain from using this area to park behind cars. Thank you!
Click and look through the link listing for your child's classroom Christmas party. If you missed out on signup day or you'd like to sign up to bring more, please do so.
ALSO in the signup is a Christmas Party Reservation signup. Your child will be allowed two guests. They must be legal guardians and/or guardian approved pick-up list. Due to limited space, please do not bring other family members. On Christmas Party Day, please arrive 20 minutes early to pick up your visitor's pass. If you do not pre-register, you will need to go to the office window. Thank you.
TES Parents, If you would like to help out with Goodies with Grands on Thursday, September 14th please sign up at the following link.
TPS Cafeteria is officially underway!
TES Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 12th. Make sure to bring your pretty smiles to school!
Sweet Treat Friday at TES!
![sweet treat](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5166142/large_t640HKZ_jgrEJe5XkPFohg.png)
To access your child's teachers and/or classes, go to the Buc Buzz app. In the bottom right corner, click Rooms. If you've already registered, it should take you to a list of your child/children. Click their name and you will be directed to the different class sections or a class named specifically your child's homeroom class (Ex. Mrs. Gilbert's PreK). Click it, then click stream and you should begin to see the announcements or photos your child's teacher has been posting. If you are unable to click rooms or you do not have login information, check your email for a link. If that doesn't work, email Mrs. Garcia at sgarcia@tonkawa.k12.ok.us (This is for elementary only) Thanks!
![Use Rooms on the Buc Buzz to access classroom information](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5163512/large_UEuy6N386cyhzGLLV83twg.png)
Thank you for following the rules on not driving through the fire lane; however, we've had some problems with folks parking along the red paint on the opposite side of the fire lane near the entrance. This area allows the bus driver to safely drive into the circle drive without damaging the bus or other vehicles. Be kind and don't wait there. We all have some place to go and we can all get to where we need to be safely. Thank you.
![Fire lane no parking](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5116688/large_IfxyWPnfYmHvBxtpK5-D1A.jpeg)
September Menus
![Sept menu](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5104007/large_J7ULID-l-HReaFyHZWp8mg.jpeg)
Goodies With Grands! Forms will be going home tomorrow!
![Goodies With Grands](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5100061/large_AmShHFjSRGWN_Ul0GrCCEg.jpeg)
Homecoming Shirts now available for PreOrder. All orders are due by September 21st at NOON. Contact tcrowder@tonkawa.k12.ok.us with any questions.
It's time for Mini Cheer Clinic! September 26-29!
Forms are available at Tonkawa Elementary.
Cost is $25 includes T-shirt
Sign ups DUE September 8th
Mid-high and High School-Vision Screenings will be Wednesday, September 6th. If you wish to opt your child out of this screening please call the office (580.628.2566) by Tuesday, September 5th.
September Events at TES!
![September Events at TES](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5052556/large_OTkOqFohxBG0YZg5p0Y2IA.jpeg)
Dismissal: All 3rd-5th are to exit from the main doors with their teachers UNLESS they are going down the south hall to pick up a PK or Kindergarten student. Then they can exit the south doors. 1st-2nd will always exit the south doors with their teachers. PK and Kindergarten have their own dismissal times. 3rd-5th exiting the main doors will walk to the south door awning to pick up any 1st-2nd grade sibling. This eliminates the sudden traffic in the south halls at the end of the day. Parents, if you have a 1st-2nd grader only, have them look for you in the pick up line. They will always be at the south end of pick up. 3-5 graders meeting their sibling there will also be waiting for you OR you may instruct your 3rd-5th grader to walk themselves and/or siblings toward your car in the visitors' parking lot. If you just have a 3rd-5th grader, they can be picked up in the pick up line near the main doors and crosswalk. We have our safety patrol working that area for our older students. Please be patient getting out and always look to Mrs. Vincent for her instructions to pass other vehicles. If you do not like the pick up line for older students. Please park in the visitors' parking and have your child walk to you.
Attention THS and TMH...New school year, New yearbook. Order yours online today to lock in the $10 discount!