In lieu of a physical Title I meeting at Tonkawa Elementary School this year, parents and guardians are welcome to complete the Google Form and watch the presentation provided by our Title I department. Please make sure to click the "Submit" button once you have viewed the video to count your attendance. Thank you for your continued support. The following Google Form link is:
over 1 year ago, ShaClair Garcia
Congratulations to the Pride of Tonkawa for receiving "Superior I" rating at Tri-State this past weekend!
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
Attention High School parents and students....
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
hoco contest
Kicking off Homecoming Week right with Class Colors!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
TES Homecoming Dismissal Schedule
over 1 year ago, ShaClair Garcia
TES HC Dismissal
TES Mini Cheer Clinic! They are precious and did a fantastic job cheering on our BUCS!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Tahar School Lunch! Here are just some of the yummy dishes served at Tonkawa Public Schools Cafeteria!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Chicken Sandwich with carrots, peaches, and broccoli
Pancakes, scrambled eggs, potatoes, apple, and red and green peppers
Orange Chicken, carrots, red bell pepper, and applesauce
Pasta bake, oranges, green beans, salad, and garlic cheese breadstick
What's for Lunch?! Month of October Menus
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Elementary Lunch
MH/HS Menu
Congratulations to The Jett Black Family on being winners of the Child Nutrition Drawing for the All Sports Family Pass! Thank you to Ricardo Soto at First National Bank for drawing the winners!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Congratulations to The Chance Family on winning the Child Nutrition Drawing for the XBox! Thank you to Ricardo Soto at First National Bank for drawing the winners!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Congratulations to the Pride of Tonkawa for placing 2nd at Clinton Marching Contest today. Way to REPRESENT!
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
TES celebrates Homecoming Week too! Here are the dress up days for TES students during the week of Oct. 2nd - 6th.
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
Mini Cheer practice begins today in the old high school gym. Mini cheer shirts will be given at the end of practice on Thursday, Sept. 28th. Practices will be Tuesday-Thursday 4:30-5:30 Mini Cheer will perform at the pep assembly Friday, Sept. 29th at 2 p.m. and at the game on Friday night at halftime. Participants need to wear black shorts, skirt or pants to the assembly and game. Please bring your child to the NORTH end of the track 5 minutes before halftime Friday night.
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
Don't forget Wednesday Sept. 27th at 7:30am is See You at the Pole. We would love to see everyone gathered around the flag pole for morning praises!
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
All parents/guardians of this years 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th graders State Testing results are in. Students currently in 4th and 5th grade will have their test results sent home in their backpack on Wednesday, Sept. 27th. Please be on the lookout for these results that day.
over 1 year ago, Kaitlyn Vincent
TES Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. Please click the location/date link below that is most convenient for you. Location: Tonkawa Tribe; Wednesday, October 25th; 3:30pm-5:30pm -------------- Location: Tonkawa Elementary School; Thursday, October 26th; 3:30pm-7:30pm -------------- Location: Tonkawa Elementary School; Friday, October 27th; 8:00am-10:00am
over 1 year ago, ShaClair Garcia
Need extra help? Check out the following tutoring options!
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
Final Reminder Homecoming shirt orders are due TOMORROW, September 21st by NOON. Contact: with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder
last call
TES has a limited number of Outer Space Buccaneer shirts. The cost is $15. First come, first serve. Sizes and quantity available are: 4-Youth XS 4-Youth S 2-Youth M 4-Youth L 2-Youth XL 2-Adult S 3-Adult M 3-Adult L 1-Adult XL
over 1 year ago, ShaClair Garcia
TES Outer Space Buccaneer
Tonight's Mid-hi football game will only be 8th Grade and will begin at 5:00 PM
over 1 year ago, Tawnya Crowder