First and Second Grade will present their superhero themed program on Thursday, March 30 at 6:00pm in the Event Center.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
1st and 2nd grade program
Order your Tonkawa Elementary School yearbook! Yearbooks cost $20 and will be delivered in May. You can place your order online by scanning the QR code or paper order forms will be sent home next week.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Yearbook order qr code
yearbook order form
Class at Tonkawa Public Schools will be dismissed Friday, March 10 through Friday, March 17.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
no school March 10-17
Tonkawa Elementary and Mid-High/High students enjoyed Oklahoma author, Alton Carter's visit. Mr. Carter shared his books and inspirational stories with students and staff. Mrs. Bess arranged the author's visit.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Alton Carter Author Visit
Alton Carter Author Visit
Alton Carter Author Visit
Alton Carter Author Visit
Tonkawa Elementary students and staff celebrated the 100th day of school on Tuesday, January 31 by dressing like they were 100 years old.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
100th day of school: 100 years old
100th day of school: 100 years old
100th day of school: 100 years old
100th day of school: 100 years old
Kindergarten visited the Tonkawa Tribe this morning as a culminating activity. It was a fun learning experience. Thank you for having us!
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Kindergarten visited the Tonkawa Tribe this morning as a culminating activity. It was a fun learning experience.
Kindergarten visited the Tonkawa Tribe this morning as a culminating activity. It was a fun learning experience.
Kindergarten visited the Tonkawa Tribe this morning as a culminating activity. It was a fun learning experience.
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students spread some holiday cheer with their annual Christmas program.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
PK and K Christmas program
PK and K Christmas program
PK and K Christmas program
PK and K Christmas program
Tonkawa Public Schools will be closed December 22- January 2. Classes will resume January 3.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Christmas Break  Dec 22-Jan 2
Just a friendly reminder of our Drop Off and Pick Up procedures. There are two designated lanes for drop off and pick up. These are not parking lanes. Please move as far forward as you can. Drop your child off or pick them up after you have cleared the crosswalk on the south end. For pick up, families are welcome to park in the Visitors' section of the football field and have older students walk to them (3rd-5th). They may also get their young sibling (1st-2nd grade). The parking lot is not for drop offs or pick ups. Do not block other vehicles from being able to leave. You may park in the parking lot provided there is space. A picture has been provided. Thank you for your continued support.
about 2 years ago, ShaClair Garcia
Arrival and Dismissal
A-Line TDS generously supports Tonkawa Public schools. Recently they surprised all staff members with T-shirts. We appreciate A-Line TDS for all they do for us!
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Mid-High and High School Staff
Elementary Staff
Tonkawa Elementary 4th graders presented their wax museum projects on famous Oklahomans. (For more pictures visit the Tonkawa Elementary Facebook Group.)
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
wax museum
wax museum
wax museum
wax museum
Tonkawa Elementary hosted Gobble with Grandparents on Tuesday, November 15. Students ate breakfast with their grandparents.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Gobble with Grandparents
Gobble with Grandparents
Gobble with Grandparents
Gobble with Grandparents
Tonkawa Elementary Third and Fourth Grade performed several songs for their Veterans Day music program.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Veterans Day 3rd and 4th grade music program
Chief Payne from the Tonkawa Police Department talked to Tonkawa Elementary students about saying no to drugs, internet safety, bullying, and stranger awareness.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Chief Payne talks to students
Chief Payne talks to students
Tonkawa Elementary students participated in a Ghost Characters decorating contest. Students were challenged to decorate a ghost to look like a book character. The top designs from PK-2nd and 3rd-5th were awarded a free book from librarian Mrs. Bess.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
3rd-5th winners
PK-2nd winners
3rd-5th posters
PK-2nd posters
Tonkawa Fire Department spoke with Tonkawa Elementary students today about fire safety and the importance of having an escape route plan and smoke detectors installed.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Tonkawa Fire Department discusses fire safety
Tonkawa Fire Department discusses fire safety.
Tonkawa Fire Department discusses fire safety.
Tonkawa Fire Department discusses fire safety.
Tonkawa Elementary PTO hosted the annual Fall Carnival on Thursday, October 6. Parents, staff, and several students from Middle School, High School, and NOC helped with the event.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Fall Carnival
Fall Carnival
Fall Carnival
Fall Carnival
Tonkawa Elementary students, staff, and parents joined by the police and fire departments participated in International Walk to School day on Wednesday, October 5.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
International Walk to School Day
International Walk to School Day
International Walk to School Day
International Walk to School Day
Tonkawa Elementary School celebrated National Custodian Day to express our thanks for all our custodians do for our school. Thank you Joyce Evans, Maria Rodriguez, and Taylor Zinn!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
Custodians Day
Custodians Day
Joyce Evans
Mr. Jernigan’s 5th grade class recently made mirror name art.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Jones
5th grade mirror name art
5th grade mirror name art
5th grade mirror name art
5th grade mirror name art